Representatives of The Deafblind Association of Slovenia DLAN participated in the XI. Days of Administrative Units 2019, which took place in Tacen from 18 to 20 September 2019. Within the three-day trainings, we held a plenary lecture and eight workshops for 180 employees and heads of administrative units from all over Slovenia. The theme of the event was “How to do business, how to communicate with clients with disabilities, how to approach them, understand them and help them through the maze of administrative process.” It is highly commendable and welcomed that the Ministry of Public Administration selected the topic of disability and brought such sensitive areas to the heads and employees of administrative units and emphasized the importance of the human factor in working with users.
In a plenary lecture, dr. Simona Gerenčer Pegan presented deafblindness as an independent, specific disability and challenges of the field at the administrative and legislative level. She also presented some improvements or solutions that employees of administrative units can take into account in their work. The purpose of the workshops was to familiarize the participants with the field of deafblindness and to learn through practical exercises how to identify a person with deafblindness, how to approach and communicate with him / her. They also had the opportunity to meet people with deafblindness, make first contact with them, and thus face their own fears and prejudices.
For most of the participants, this was an extremely emotional experience. Many have expressed relief and gratitude at the realization that even with their openness, heartiness and patience, they can do much good for people with deafblindness.