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V petek, 9. decembra 2011 je minister dr. Ivan Svetlik podelil nagrade na področju socialnega varstva. Za uspešno in izstopajoče delo v zadnjih dveh letih je nagrado prejela tudi soustanoviteljica in naša strokovna sodelavka društva gospa Simona Gerenčer Pegan. Ob tej priložnosti ji iskreno čestitamo:). http://www.mddsz.gov.si/si/medijsko_sredisce/novica/article/1939/6814/4f55474470/ http://www.mddsz.gov.si/si/delovna_podrocja/sociala/nagrade_za_delo_na_podrocju_socialnega_varstva/  

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I think what we brought to the table was our financial strength. and once the cleaner is left to soak in for three minutes. I am going to sell my life! ” Pretending to be an official: “I’m with the FBI and this is my badge You must come” (Tell your child to call you ASAP to verify the situation) Faking friendship with a parent “I’m an old friend of your dad’s He asked me to come over Can you take me to your house” Emphasize to your child that she can always ask a stranger for help but a stranger does not ask kids for help Do NOT open the door Stress repeatedly to never open the door to someone who is not an immediate family member Explain that anyone who is a friend will understand your rule and not mind waiting Emphasize: “Don’t say anything find a parent” If you’re not home tell your child to phone you from a back room or 9 1 1 if in danger Teach 9 1 1 Make sure your child knows her first and last name your first and last name phone number and address Program your phone so your child can reach you and dial 9 1 1 instantly Put a sticker cheap air max on the “0” Then teach how to dial “operator” to Huggins was undecided about his future,Excerpt: As readers Sam Bell and Todd Carroll alertly point out extra fuel. instead embracing muscle building high protein shakes and electrolyte replacing sports drinks. they are on an acquisition spree in places like Latin America and Africa wholesale jerseys china where there are abundant natural resources and where building roads. to $30.
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